About us

Better Things (Reg. Charity No. 510031) is a small independent UK registered charity based in Wythenshawe in South Manchester. It is run by less than ten staff (working a variety of hours) and a network of fantastic volunteers.

Our history

The charity was established in 1974 by a group of parents who came together because there weren’t adequate services or support in the area to meet their children’s needs. They started the charity and lobbied for improved services.

Whilst they were successful in bringing about some positive changes, the demand for our services and support remains very high. We remain true to the idea that Better Things was founded on, to be a community-focussed organisation that supports families, and provides a safe and welcoming environment for those that need us.

Our activities

We help people to develop skills and self-confidence, make friends, keep healthy, improve their employment prospects, and generally improve their quality of life. We also provide informal one-to-one advice and support to people and their families.

We organise and run more than 200 social and leisure activity sessions per year which are provided free of charge, or are heavily subsidised to make them as accessible as possible.

To keep our overheads low, we don’t have any offices or a permanent facility. That way, every penny donated to our charity is spent directly on running our services (paying for venue hire and for instructors) and paying the wages of our small team.

Our partners

We work alongside social services, Greater Manchester Police, local housing associations, Transport for Greater Manchester, local NHS services, local councils.

Our services are not dependent on a referral system but we receive enquiries from GP services, Manchester Local Offer Learning Disability Teams, The Christie, and local SEND schools and youth services.


Our charity is headed up by Kate Maggs who has been CEO at Better Things since 2011.

Kate has been supporting people with learning disabilities for over 35 years initially as a volunteer and then as a registered manager. Kate has long been a loud campaigner for the rights of people with learning disabilities especially in the areas of disability hate crime and health inequalities.

Kate is a qualified Independent Care Act Advocate and when not working enjoys music, reading and is an FA licenced football coach.

Kate Maggs, CEO of Better Things

Our Trustee Board

Our Trustee Board is made up of the following people: John Gurd (chair), Marlene Middleton, Chris Noble, Peter Owen, Zahir Teemil, Melissa Young, Katrina Farry, Stuart Cunningham.

They are all volunteers who have an interest in services for people with learning disabilities. They oversee everything that is being done and have to give approval before any major decisions are made by the charity.

Better Things adheres to Manchester City Councils’ policy on safeguarding vulnerable children and adults.